The Fabric of Rotary
What is Rotary?
Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad. Rotarians are People of Action.
The Four Way Test
of the things that Rotarians think, say, or do:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Many Rotarians believe there should be a fifth test:
5. Is it fun?
The Rotary Motto
Service Above Self
Rotary International’s Vision Statement
TOGETHER we see a world where PEOPLE unite and take action to CREATE lasting CHANGE across the globe in our communities and in ourselves.
Rotary International’s Mission
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Object of Rotary
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
First: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
Second: High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his or her occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
Third: The application of the ideal of service by each Rotarian to his or her personal, business, and community life.
Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Five Avenues of Service
The Object of Rotary leads to the concept of Five Avenues of Service: club service, community service, vocational service, international service, and new generations (youth) service.
Club Service works to strengthen fellowship of members through training and hospitality. Clubs have serious projects to work toward, so having various social events that bring members and their guests together informally and for fun, contributes to genuine fellowship.
Community Service is exactly what the name implies — projects and activities each club undertakes to improve community life.
Vocational Service encourages members to serve other people through their vocations, education, and skill sets, which encourages high ethical standards.
International Service volunteers work to expand Rotary’s humanitarian work around the world. This important service promotes understanding and peace, sponsors projects in other countries, and works with international partners to support projects in their communities.
New Generations (Youth) Service works to engage youth and young adults in leadership roles.
The Rotary Foundation
The Mission of the charitable Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Since it was founded in 1917, with an initial contribution of $26.50 from RI Past President Arch Klumph, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. The Foundation is a 4 Star charity, Charity Navigator’s highest level.
The Rotary Foundation’s Seven Areas of Focus
These are projects that change lives both locally and globally:
1. Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution
2. Disease Prevention and Treatment
3. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
4. Maternal and Child Health
5. Basic Education and Literacy
6. Community Economic Development
7. Environment
Snapshot of Rotary
Rotary is unselfish volunteer service. Founded in 1905 by Paul Harris, Rotary is a world-wide organization of business and professional persons who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotarians work together in a volunteer framework that is non-political and non-sectarian. By the year 2021, Rotary had spread to about 167 countries around the world with over 35,000 Rotary clubs. These clubs in turn belong to Rotary International (RI)
Club statistics: The oldest club in Rotary District 7010, our Peterborough club was the 900th club chartered by RI worldwide. We were the 42nd club chartered in Canada. From the 25 charter members at our founding, our club grew to a high of 124 in the 1980s. For many decades, membership fluctuated between 100 and 124 Rotarians. As of March, 2021, we had 73 members. 37 percent were under 60 years of age. Our club inducted its first two women members in 1990. In 2021, 30 percent of our members were women.
A Secretariat in Evanston, Illinois, serves as world headquarters of Rotary International and of its charitable arm, the Rotary International Foundation. The Secretariat also services individual Rotary clubs and districts around the world.
Rotary is a service organization. Whatever Rotarians do through Rotary, they do as volunteers. All of the proceeds from our many activities are channeled into local, national, and international projects to help others.
Rotary International Fellowships & Action Groups
The worldwide network of Rotary has permitted the evolution of special interest groups within Rotary International (RI). RI has sanctioned 25 Rotary Action Groups and almost 90 Rotary Fellowships.
Many Peterborough Rotarians over the last 100 years have taken the opportunity to share like interests. Of recent note, we have members who belong to the International Curling Fellowship of Rotarians, the Rotary Skiing fellowship, the Rotary Golf fellowship, the Rotary Home Exchange program, the Rotary Yachting fellowship, the BREW (Beers Rotarians Enjoy Worldwide) fellowship (Past President Kevin Duguay is a Director), the International Fellowship of Rotarian Musicians, Rotary on Pins fellowship, Rotary on Stamps fellowship, Fellowship for Cruising Rotarians, ESRAG (Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group), and DPRAG (Disease Prevention Rotary Action Group).

The Rotary Club of Peterborough : www.peterboroughrotary.ca
Rotary District 7010 : www.rotary7010.org
Rotary International : www.rotary.org
List of all District Governors from our Club
Ross Leonard Dobbin President1929-1930, District Governor 1955-56
Arthur R. Jones President 1964-1965, District Governor 1969-70
George C. Green, President 1966-1967, District Governor 1975-76
Willis F. Cleveland President 1970-1971, District Governor 1981-82
John R. Cockburn President 1978-1979, District Governor 1989-90
List of Assistant Governors from our Club
Wendy Hill President 2003-2004, Assistant Governor 2005-2008
Richard Storey President 2007-2008, Assistant Governor 2016-2019
Bruce Gravel President 2016-2017, Assistant Governor 2019-2022