Sleeping Children Around the World


SCAW is a unique Canadian charity that provides bedkits for children in third world countries (presently Honduras, Nicaragua, India, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Togo, Philippines, Sri Lanka). The contents of the bedkits vary depending upon the need in the particular country but generally include a ground mattress, clothing, school supplies and mosquito netting. Bedkits are distributed to equal numbers of boys and girls between the ages of 6-12.

While this is not a Rotary organization, many Rotary Clubs in Canada make regular donations. The Rotary Club of Peterborough donates a bedkit in the name of each of the weekly speakers.

The charity is unique in that:

a)      100% of every dollar donated reaches a child – the charity is run by volunteers

b)      SCAW does NOT do any fundraising for bedkits – it is all by word of mouth – donors do NOT receive requests to donate in future years

c)       SCAW does NOT seek nor solicit government contributions

d)      The contents of the bedkits are purchased in the local community thus eliminating transportation costs and increasing purchasing power and providing employment – as an example the Philippines bedkit includes 3 pairs of shorts or 18,000 pairs of shorts for the Philippines distribution. Making the shorts alone provided 17 full time jobs for 2 months.
Rotary Clubs serve as the overseas partner in 75% of the distributions providing invaluable assistance to the 6 member Canadian team that distributes each bedkit.

Approximately 70,000 bedkits representing more than $2,000,000 in donations are distributed each year. Donors receive:

a)      Tax receipt

b)      Trip Report

c)       Picture of child behind bedkit with donor’s name

Three club members have gone on overseas distributions, Alan Ingram as a team leader with several trips to Honduras, India, Kenya & Philippines, John Coburn with multiple trips to India and Eric Steinmiller setting out on his first distribution to Honduras in Nov ‘14